Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Lawrence Martin, "Harperland: The Politics of Power" (2009)

This is, frankly, a brilliant book. It concisely, clearly, and objectively documents the egregious excesses and shameful machinations of the Harper neo-Tories. It should be required reading for every Canadian voter before the next election.

I expect that Harper supporters will claim: 'ah, but it is such a biased account! The Liberals were guilty of all the same sorts of ploys.' That may be so, and Martin as well as others (including Canadian voters) have skewered them for those. The Harper minority governments have been in place longer than Pearson's minority governments, and it is time that they be held to the higher standards of Canadians' ideal government, rather than copping out with the excuse of not being any worse than the previous regime.

I think Peter Newman's review of the book in the Globe and Mail is quite fair.

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